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absInt, 571


() (call operator), 571


abstract base class, 610, 649


BinaryQuery, 643


Disc_quote, 610


Query_base, 636


abstract data type, 254, 305


access control, 611616


class derivation list, 596


default inheritance access, 616


default member access, 268


derived class, 613


derived-to-base conversion, 613


design, 614


inherited members, 612


local class, 853


nested class, 844


private, 268


protected, 595, 611


public, 268


using declaration, 615


access specifier, 268, 305


accessible, 611, 649


derived-to-base conversion, 613


Account, 301


accumulate, 379, 882


bookstore program, 406


Action, 839


adaptor, 372


back_inserter, 402


container, 368, 368371


front_inserter, 402


inserter, 402


make_move_iterator, 543


add, Sales_data, 261


add_item, Basket, 633


add_to_Folder, Message, 522


address, 33, 78


adjacent_difference, 882


adjacent_find, 871




always initialize a pointer, 54


avoid casts, 165


avoid undefined behavior, 36


choosing a built-in type, 34


define small utility functions, 277


define variables near first use, 48


don’t create unnecessary regex objects, 733


forwarding parameter pattern, 706


keep lambda captures simple, 394


managing iterators, 331, 354


prefix vs. postfix operators, 148


rule of five, 541


use move sparingly, 544


use constructor initializer lists, 289


when to use overloading, 233


writing compound expressions, 139


aggregate class, 298, 305


initialization, 298


algorithm header, 376


algorithms, 376, 418


see also Appendix A




_copy versions, 383, 414


_if versions, 414


naming convention, 413414


operate on iterators not containers, 378


overloading pattern, 414


parameter pattern, 412413


read-only, 379380


reorder elements, 383385, 414


write elements, 380383


associative container and, 430


bind as argument, 397


can’t change container size, 385


element type requirements, 377


function object arguments, 572


istream_iterator, 404


iterator category, 410412


iterator range, 376


lambda as argument, 391, 396


library function object, 575


ostream_iterator, 404


sort comparison, requires strict weak ordering, 425


supplying comparison operation, 386, 413


function, 386


lambda, 389, 390


two input ranges, 413


type independence, 377


use element’s == (equality), 385, 413


use element’s < (less-than), 385, 413


accumulate, 379


bookstore program, 406


copy, 382


count, 378


equal_range, 722


equal, 380


fill_n, 381


fill, 380


find_if, 388, 397, 414


find, 376


for_each, 391


replace_copy, 383


replace, 383


set_intersection, 647


sort, 384


stable_sort, 387


transform, 396


unique, 384


alias declaration


namespace, 792, 817


template type, 666


type, 68


all_of, 871


alloc_n_copy, StrVec, 527


allocate, allocator, 481


allocator, 481, 481483, 491, 524531


allocate, 481, 527


compared to operator new, 823


construct, 482


forwards to constructor, 527


deallocate, 483, 528


compared to operator delete, 823


destroy, 482, 528


alternative operator name, 46


alternative_sum, program, 682




conversion, 583589


multiple inheritance, 806


function call, 234, 245, 251


multiple inheritance, 808


overloaded operator, 588


AndQuery, 637


class definition, 644


eval function, 646


anonymous union, 848, 862


any, bitset, 726


any_of, 871


app (file mode), 319


append, string, 362


argc, 219


argument, 23, 26, 202, 251


array, 214219


buffer overflow, 215


to pointer conversion, 214


C-style string, 216


conversion, function matching, 234


default, 236


forwarding, 704


initializes parameter, 203


iterator, 216


low-level const, 213


main function, 218


multidimensional array, 218


nonreference parameter, 209


pass by reference, 210, 252


pass by value, 209, 252


uses copy constructor, 498


uses move constructor, 539, 541


passing, 208212


pointer, 214


reference parameter, 210, 214


reference to const, 211


top-level const, 212


argument list, 202


argument-dependent lookup, 797


move and forward, 798


argv, 219




conversion, 35, 159, 168


in equality and relational operators, 144


integral promotion, 160, 169


signed to unsigned, 34


to bool, 162


operators, 139


compound assignment (e.g., +=), 147


function object, 574


overloaded, 560


type, 32, 78


machine-dependent, 32


arithmetic (addition and subtraction)


iterators, 111, 131


pointers, 119, 132


array, 113130


[] (subscript), 116, 132


argument and parameter, 214219


argument conversion, 214


auto returns pointer, 117


begin function, 118


compound type, 113


conversion to pointer, 117, 161


function arguments, 214


template argument deduction, 679


decltype returns array type, 118


definition, 113


dimension, constant expression, 113


dynamically allocated, 476, 476484


allocator, 481


can’t use begin and end, 477


can’t use range for statement, 477


delete[], 478


empty array, 478


new[], 477


shared_ptr, 480


unique_ptr, 479


elements and destructor, 502


end function, 118


initialization, 114


initializer of vector, 125


multidimensional, 125130


no copy or assign, 114


of char initialization, 114




buffer overflow, 215


converted to pointer, 215


function template, 654


pointer to, 218


reference to, 217


return type, 204


trailing, 229


type alias, 229


decltype, 230


sizeof, 157


subscript range, 116


subscript type, 116


understanding complicated declarations, 115




see also container


see also sequential container


[] (subscript), 347


= (assignment), 337


assign, 338


copy initialization, 337


default initialization, 336


definition, 336


header, 329


initialization, 334337


list initialization, 337


overview, 327


random-access iterator, 412


swap, 339


assert preprocessor macro, 241, 251




array, 338


invalidates iterator, 338


sequential container, 338


string, 362


assignment, vs. initialization, 42, 288


assignment operators, 144147


associative array, see map


associative container, 420, 447


and library algorithms, 430


initialization, 423, 424


key_type requirements, 425, 445




begin, 430


count, 437, 438


emplace, 432


end, 430


equal_range, 439


erase, 434


find, 437, 438


insert, 432


key_type, 428, 447


mapped_type, 428, 448


value_type, 428, 448


override default comparison, 425


override default hash, 446


overview, 423


associativity, 134, 136137, 168


= (assignment), 145


?: (conditional operator), 151


dot and dereference, 150


increment and dereference, 148


IO operator, 155


overloaded operator, 553




deque, 348


map, 435


string, 348


unordered_map, 435


vector, 348


ate (file mode), 319


auto, 68, 78


cbegin, 109, 379


cend, 109, 379


for type abbreviation, 88, 129


of array, 117


of reference, 69


pointer to function, 249


with new, 459


auto_ptr deprecated, 471


automatic object, 205, 251


see also local variable


see also parameter


and destructor, 502


avg_price, Sales_data, 259

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