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... (ellipsis parameter), 222


/* */ (block comment), 9, 26


// (single-line comment), 9, 26


= default, 265, 306


copy-control members, 506


default constructor, 265


= delete, 507


copy control, 507508


default constructor, 507


function matching, 508


move operations, 538


_ _DATE_ _, 242


_ _FILE_ _, 242


_ _LINE_ _, 242


_ _TIME_ _, 242


_ _cplusplus, 860


\0 (null character), 39


\Xnnn (hexadecimal escape sequence), 39


\n (newline character), 39


\t (tab character), 39


\nnn (octal escape sequence), 39


{ } (curlybrace), 2, 26


#include, 6, 28


standard header, 6


user-defined header, 21


#define, 77, 80


#endif, 77, 80


#ifdef, 77, 80


#ifndef, 77, 80


~classname, see destructor


; (semicolon), 3


class definition, 73


null statement, 172


++ (increment), 12, 28, 147149, 170


iterator, 107, 132


overloaded operator, 566568


pointer, 118


precedence and associativity, 148


reverse iterator, 407


StrBlobPtr, 566


-- (decrement), 13, 28, 147149, 170


iterator, 107


overloaded operator, 566568


pointer, 118


precedence and associativity, 148


reverse iterator, 407, 408


StrBlobPtr, 566


* (dereference), 53, 80, 448


iterator, 107


map iterators, 429


overloaded operator, 569


pointer, 53


precedence and associativity, 148


smart pointer, 451


StrBlobPtr, 569


& (address-of), 52, 80


overloaded operator, 554


-> (arrow operator), 110, 132, 150


overloaded operator, 569


StrBlobPtr, 569


. (dot), 23, 28, 150


->* (pointer to member arrow), 837


.* (pointer to member dot), 837


[] (subscript), 93


array, 116, 132


array, 347


bitset, 727


deque, 347


does not add elements, 104


map, and unordered_map, 435, 448


adds element, 435


multidimensional array, 127


out-of-range index, 93


overloaded operator, 564


pointer, 121


string, 93, 132, 347


StrVec, 565


subscript range, 95


vector, 103, 132, 347


() (call operator), 23, 28, 202, 252


absInt, 571


const member function, 573


execution flow, 203


overloaded operator, 571


PrintString, 571


ShorterString, 573


SizeComp, 573


:: (scope operator), 8, 28, 82


base-class member, 607


class type member, 88, 282


container, type members, 333


global namespace, 789, 818


member function, definition, 259


overrides name lookup, 286


= (assignment), 12, 28, 144147


see also copy assignment


see also move assignment


associativity, 145


base from derived, 603


container, 89, 103, 337


conversion, 145, 159


derived class, 626


in condition, 146


initializer_list, 563


list initialization, 145


low precedence, 146


multiple inheritance, 805


overloaded operator, 500, 563


pointer, 55


to signed, 35


to unsigned, 35


vs. == (equality), 146


vs. initialization, 42


+= (compound assignment), 12, 28, 147


bitwise operators, 155


iterator, 111


overloaded operator, 555, 560


Sales_data, 564


exception version, 784


string, 89


+ (addition), 6, 140


iterator, 111


pointer, 119


Sales_data, 560


exception version, 784


Sales_item, 22


SmallInt, 588


string, 89


- (subtraction), 140


iterator, 111


pointer, 119


* (multiplication), 140


/ (division), 140


rounding, 141


% (modulus), 141


grading program, 176


== (equality), 18, 28


arithmetic conversion, 144


container, 88, 102, 340, 341


iterator, 106, 107


overloaded operator, 561, 562


pointer, 55, 120


Sales_data, 561


string, 88


tuple, 720


unordered container key_type, 443


used in algorithms, 377, 385, 413


vs. = (assignment), 146


!= (inequality), 28


arithmetic conversion, 144


container, 88, 102, 340, 341


iterator, 106, 107


overloaded operator, 562


pointer, 55, 120


Sales_data, 561


string, 88


tuple, 720


< (less-than), 28, 143


container, 88, 340


ordered container key_type, 425


overloaded operator, 562


strict weak ordering, 562


string, 88


tuple, 720


used in algorithms, 378, 385, 413


<= (less-than-or-equal), 12, 28, 143


container, 88, 340


string, 88


> (greater-than), 28, 143


container, 88, 340


string, 88


>= (greater-than-or-equal), 28, 143


container, 88, 340


string, 88


>> (input operator), 8, 28


as condition, 15, 86, 312


chained-input, 8


istream, 8


istream_iterator, 403


overloaded operator, 558559


precedence and associativity, 155


Sales_data, 558


Sales_item, 21


string, 85, 132


<< (output operator), 7, 28


bitset, 727


chained output, 7


ostream, 7


ostream_iterator, 405


overloaded operator, 557558


precedence and associativity, 155


Query, 641


Sales_data, 557


Sales_item, 21


string, 85, 132


>> (right-shift), 153, 170


<< (left-shift), 153, 170


&& (logical AND), 94, 132, 142, 169


order of evaluation, 138


overloaded operator, 554


short-circuit evaluation, 142


|| (logical OR), 142


order of evaluation, 138


overloaded operator, 554


short-circuit evaluation, 142


& (bitwise AND), 154, 169


Query, 638, 644


! (logical NOT), 87, 132, 143, 170


|| (logical OR), 132, 170


| (bitwise OR), 154, 170


Query, 638, 644


^ (bitwise XOR), 154, 170


~ (bitwise NOT), 154, 170


Query, 638, 643


, (comma operator), 157, 169


order of evaluation, 138


overloaded operator, 554


?: (conditional operator), 151, 169


order of evaluation, 138


precdence and associativity, 151


+ (unary plus), 140


- (unary minus), 140


L'c' (wchar_t literal), 38


ddd.dddL or ddd.dddl (long double literal), 41


numEnum or numenum (double literal), 39


numF or numf (float literal), 41


numL or numl (long literal), 41


numLL or numll (long long literal), 41


numU or numu (unsigned literal), 41


class member:constant expression, see bit-field

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